Thursday, June 26, 2014

Volenteer Oportunities

Volenteer Oportunities

If you would like to join our cause and help fight now so our kids don't have to fight to see their kids when they get older you can sign up here

or inbox our FB page ATT: ~Frank~

Our Merchandise

Our Merchandise

We had three shirts up for grabs!! and a bumper sticker!
all profits will go towards helping us help our cause!

We want to one day to open a 24hr  help line (phone and online) for depression/anxiety/substance abuse, and hopefully one day we can also help out father's with legal fees and in some cases CS payments!

This is our beginning! and we will not give up until the laws have been fixed around the world!! 

Thank you all for your support and generosity!!
#merchandise #store #SDFF #singledadsandfightingfathers #Tshirts

United States of America

United States of America

Here is some information on family law for the USA!!

If you have any other good links please send them to me!!

the best way to contact me is on Facebook! Inbox the page  ATT ~Frank~ 


Here is some information on family law for Canada!!

If you have any other good links please send them to me!!

the best way to contact me is on Facebook! Inbox the page  ATT ~Frank~



Here is some information on family law for Australia!!

If you have any other good links please send them to me!!

the best way to contact me is on Facebook! Inbox the page  ATT ~Frank~