Thursday, June 26, 2014

Volenteer Oportunities

Volenteer Oportunities

If you would like to join our cause and help fight now so our kids don't have to fight to see their kids when they get older you can sign up here

or inbox our FB page ATT: ~Frank~

Our Merchandise

Our Merchandise

We had three shirts up for grabs!! and a bumper sticker!
all profits will go towards helping us help our cause!

We want to one day to open a 24hr  help line (phone and online) for depression/anxiety/substance abuse, and hopefully one day we can also help out father's with legal fees and in some cases CS payments!

This is our beginning! and we will not give up until the laws have been fixed around the world!! 

Thank you all for your support and generosity!!
#merchandise #store #SDFF #singledadsandfightingfathers #Tshirts

United States of America

United States of America

Here is some information on family law for the USA!!

If you have any other good links please send them to me!!

the best way to contact me is on Facebook! Inbox the page  ATT ~Frank~ 


Here is some information on family law for Canada!!

If you have any other good links please send them to me!!

the best way to contact me is on Facebook! Inbox the page  ATT ~Frank~



Here is some information on family law for Australia!!

If you have any other good links please send them to me!!

the best way to contact me is on Facebook! Inbox the page  ATT ~Frank~

Monday, February 17, 2014

Custody Battle advice!

 This advice is given according to the way my court case went! it's up to you to decide on any advice you get from anyone!! Including your lawyers!  ALWAYS make sure you ask A LOT OF QUESTIONS!!

If this is your first time in court the first thing your going to need a good Lawyer! Click Here to see what I did to look for a layer!

The next thing you need to know is to NEVER BASH THE MOTHER, not to your lawyer not to the judge and most importantly not to your child(ren),  Let her bash you all she wants, explain to her that the kids will only resent her and the courts will only look down on her when found to be a lair, and make everything solely about the kids! here is something I did when found out she was badmouthing me in font of my child and in font of my friends

Next be prepared for false allegations.... they don't always make an appearance but when they do... they can knock you on your ass..... set you back for months or years if your not prepared for them.... DOCUMENT EVERYTHING start as soon as you realize their will be court, try to get as much saved onto text message and or email any of your social messengers and networks! keep the good and the bad  you never know what will come in handy,  This is my false allegation story. I got lucky I suppose....

Now I want to warn you about lieing.... NEVER LIE in court, if and when your lie unravels it will put you back 5 steps, and it's not worth it, I didn't lie  I had no reason to!  I had admitted to drugs that I used to do, WE USED TO DO... and she denied ever doing anything, well I brought in pictures! I also brought in a clean drug test!!

The last thing I can say about a custody battle is NEVER GIVE UP!!!  This is where I made my mistake... I settled for no custody with some visitation and biweekly sleepovers the only way a visit can be canceled is with a doctors note! Here is what I did with the first and last doctors not I got.... also had an "order to remove" put in place so we both need written permission to take our daughter out of the Provence and I have a right to seek any and all information regarding my daughter from any and all healthcare and care providers!!   Knowing what I know now and having the back up and support from all of you I will be going back for 50/50 Joint Custody & Parenting Time!!

You can read more about my court battle here

If you any question feel free to ask!

How I got my 3 year old to stop picking her nose!!

Today I got tiered of my 3 year old putting her finger in her nose.... so here is what I did!!!!

I put my finger in my ear and told her it was stuck!! She tried to pull it out for an hour or so, than I told her last time I had a finger stuck in my nose and I had to go to the hospital.. she tried pulling out for 3 hours in total when she insisted I go to the doctors and have it looked at! so we got ready to leave and my finger just came out on it's own!!! now every time she goes to put her finger in her nose she stops and wipes it instead!!! ~Frank~

TRUE STORY!! 3 months later and every time she goes to pick her nose she wipes it instead!! and tips on how to get her to use a tissue?? HAHA

Like and share if you think it was a good idea!!