Saturday, June 8, 2013

Now representing myself in court.....

So I now have no Lawyer..... Legal aid requested my pay stubs, and I sent them to them, I was a little late due to having a surgery... but I explained o them that I couldn't get out of bed and that I had a nurse coming to my house, and they were fine with that.
so next thing you know I'm getting a notice from my lawyer saying that I'm cut off legal aid, so I have to ether pay her $3500.00 retainer or sign change of representation papers.

I call legal aid to find out whats going on, they tell me I didn't send them permission to check my info, For 1 they didn't ask for it, for 2 they already had it from the first time I sent them my statements, and for three, they have never asked for it since then, so how am I supposed to know that....
So they say ok we will send you a paper to sign, fax it back, and we will put you into good standings, I tell that to my lawyer, she tells me I have to go sign the papers or she will open a motion to get me off her case and that will cost me money.. (she doesn't take legal aid anymore, so she is trying to ditch us all)
I tell her no she has to wait until I get my notice from legal aid (and she knows I am right),
So about a week later I get a notice from legal aid saying I am cut off.... WTF they fully told me I could sign a paper and it would be fine...

Pushing down the dad cause he winning.......... WELL I DON'T CARE!!!! I can do this without a lawyer I have lots of people's opinions to take in I am sure I can get through this!!

Franklin Saplamaeff

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