Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Fund Raiser!

Hi I am hosting a fund raiser for Single Dads/Fighting Fathers. We have many goals that include

1. We would like to build a website where we can store all information anyone ever asks us for including all family law information from around the world!

2. We would like to print flyers, stickers, business cards, and T-shirts, Bracelets, and hats! in order to spread the word about our cause!

3. We would to like be able to promote and boost our page and some of our IMPORTANT posts, in order to reach more fathers and children in need of moral support and advice! 

4. We Want to hire a lawyer for each country to come online once a week and answer questions at no cost to the fans

5. We would like start local support/discussion groups and create a place where dads will meet each other and take their kids out on play dates!!

These things cost money and I can not do it alone. $5 buck here $10 bucks there and soon we will have our website!! The list is the order we will be doing things, (I have already handed out flyers a few times!) I understand, most of us don't have extra cash laying around, and that's what makes this so hard, but at the very lest if you share the link you will have taken a great part in conquering our goals!

On behalf of myself, my admins, fathers everywhere and their children I would like to thank you in advance! THANK YOU!!

Franklin Saplamaeff

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