Wednesday, September 18, 2013

She Cried Again.... (this is a poem)

It always breaks my heart when my daughter leaves my house after our visits, but when she cries I don't know to handle it, I just want to take her and let her stay.. she cries when leaving me a lot more then half the time, only once in 2 years has she every cried when getting dropped off to me

You cried again today Matilda, and I wrote this for you:


She cried again today, as we were ripped apart
Don't worry dear, I'm in your heart
as your in mine
and when your older it will all be fine

what little time we have to spend
but we have nothing but fun
From beginning to end

She cried again today, as she was ripped away
I know my dear child, you want to stay
our time will come sweetheart, it's not far away!


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